As of Jan 2021
Following are instructions for wearing the new Army AGSU uniform. In keeping with our policy of being the first to provide our fighting men/women with the most current uniform wearing instructions available, we use this website first; followed by inclusion in our next printed edition of the Army Uniform Guide, along with 70-80 pages of helpful information, with drawings, instructions and ruler.
AGSU (Greens) CLASS “A”
1. 1″ above notch, centered on right collar with centerline of insignia parallel to inside edge of collar. See pg. 24.
2. 1″ above notch, centered on left collar with centerline of insignia parallel to inside edge of collar. See pg. 24
3. Centered on centerline of shoulder loops, centered between button & shoulder seam. The top of the crest towards the button. See pg. 31.
4. Centered 1/4″ above ribbons (or pocket flap). Pgs. 43-51.
5. Unit Patch centered 1/2″ below left shoulder seam. If with Tab; Tab is 1/2″ below seam and Patch 1/4” below Tab.
6. Centered 1/4″ above the left breast pocket. Pgs. 39-42.
7. Centered 1/4″ below left pocket flap. See pgs 43-51.
8. Centered on both sleeves between shoulder seam and elbow. See Pg 56.
9. Centered 2” below bottom of pocket flap. See Pg 53.
10. Buckle centered under buttons. Belt tip extends less than 1″ past belt loop.
11. Service stripes as per pages 54-55.
12. Overseas service bars as per pages 54-55.
13. Unit Awards centered 1/4″ above right breast pocket. Pg 38.
14. Regimental Distinctive Insignia centered 1/8″ above right pocket. Or 1/4″ above Unit Awards. See Pg 52.
15. Combat Patch centered 1/2″ below right shoulder seam.

AGSU (Greens) CLASS “A”
1. Centered on shoulder loop 5/8” from outside shoulder seam. See pg. 32.
2. Base of insignia towards shoulder seam, placed equidistant from rank insignia and shoulder loop button, on both shoulders.
3. 5/8” above the notch on both lapels with the centerline of the insignia bisecting the notch and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel. See pages 62-63.
4. 5/8” below the notch on both lapels with the centerline of the branch insignia passing through the notch bisecting the centerline of the “U.S.” insignia and running parallel to the inside edge of the lapel. See pages 62-63.
5. Centered 1/4” above ribbons (or pocket flap). Pgs. 43-51.
6. Unit Patch centered 1/2″ below left shoulder seam. If with Tab; Tab is 1/2″ below seam and Patch 1/4” below Tab.
7. Centered 1/4″ above the left breast pocket. Pgs. 39-42.
8. Centered 1/4″ below pocket flap. See pgs 43-51.
9. Centered 2” below pocket flap(s).
10. Buckle centered under buttons. Belt tip extends less than 1″ past belt loop.
11. Overseas service bars as per pages 54-55.
12. Unit Awards centered 1/4″ above right breast pocket. Pg 38.
13. Regimental Distinctive Insignia centered 1/8″ above right pocket. Or 1/4″ above Unit Awards. See Pg 52.
14. Combat Patch centered 1/2″ below right shoulder seam.

AGSU (Greens) CLASS “A”
1. 1″ above notch, centered on right collar with centerline of insignia parallel to inside edge of collar. See pg. 24.
2. 1″ above notch, centered on left collar with centerline of insignia parallel to inside edge of collar. See pg. 24
3. Centered on centerline of shoulder loop, centered between button & shoulder seam. The top of the crest towards the button. See pg. 31.
4. Centered 1/4″ above ribbons (or pocket flap). Pgs. 43-51.
5. Unit Patch centered 1/2″ below left shoulder seam. If with Tab; Tab is 1/2″ below seam and Patch 1/4” below Tab.
6. Centered 1/8″ above the left breast pocket. Pgs. 39-42.
7. Centered 1/4″ below pocket flap. See pgs 43-51.
8. Centered on both sleeves between shoulder seam and elbow. See Pg 56.
9. Centered on pocket(s) between bottom of flap and bottom of pocket. Pg 53.
10. Buckle centered under buttons. Belt tip extends less than 1″ past belt loop.
11. Service stripes as per pages 54-55.
12. Overseas service bars as per pages 54-55.
13. Unit Awards centered 1/4″ above right breast pocket. Pg 38.
14. Regimental Distinctive Insignia centered 1/8″ above right pocket. Or 1/4″ above Unit Awards. See Pg 52.
15. Combat Patch centered 1/2″ below right shoulder seam.

AGSU (Greens) CLASS “A”
1. Centered 1/4” above ribbons (or pocket flap). Pgs. 43-51.
2. Centered on shoulder loop 5/8” from outside shoulder seam. See Pg. 32.
3. Unit Patch centered 1/2″ below left shoulder seam. If with Tab; Tab is 1/2″ below seam and Patch 1/4” below Tab.
4. Centered 1/8″ above the left breast pocket. Pgs. 39-42.
5. Centered 1/8″ below top of pocket flap. See pgs 43-51.
6. Centered on pocket(s) between bottom of flap and bottom of pocket. Pg 53.
7. Buckle centered under buttons. Belt tip extends less than 1″ past belt loop.
8. Overseas service bars as per pages 54-55.
9. Unit Awards centered 1/8″ above right breast pocket. Pg 38.
10. Regimental Distinctive Insignia centered 1/4″ above right pocket. Or 1/4″ above Unit Awards. See Pg 52.
11. Combat Patch centered 1/2″ below right shoulder seam.
12. 5/8” below the notch on both lapels with the centerline of the branch insignia passing through the notch bisecting the centerline of the “U.S.” insignia and running parallel to the inside edge of the lapel. See page 62-63.
13. Base of insignia towards shoulder seam, placed equidistant from rank insignia and shoulder loop button, on both shoulders.
14. 5/8” above the notch on both lapels with the centerline of the insignia bisecting the notch and parallel to the inside edge of the lapel. See page 62-63.

As of September 30, 2020
(Courtesy of UNIFORM GUIDE)
The Army is still finalizing the detailed guidance on the proper wear of this new uniform. Some troops already have the uniform. Until the Army finalizes it's requirements, we at UNIFORM GUIDE, cannot update our ARMY UNIFORM GUIDE. Below is the guidance from the Army so far published. It will be incorporated into next edition, as well as the
finalized guidance once they publish it.
1) Either oxidized finish or silver finish badges will be worn. No mixing.
2) No nameplates will be worn on the coat or shirts.
3) Since female AGSU coats have only pocket flaps (no pockets) their insignia will be worn IAW male uniform standards.
4) No more than one identification badge per pocket will be worn.
5) No more than four combat and special skills badges to include marksmanship badges will be worn. No more than 3 marksmanship awards will be worn at one time. Badges 1/4 inch above the ribbons, or pocket flap. Badges may also be worn below the ribbons 1/4 inch below the top of pocket flap.
6) No more than two special skill tabs from group 4 (sewn on) will be worn. They will be sewn on the left sleeve 1/2 inch below the shoulder seam. The SSI will be worn 1/4 inch below any tab.
7) Either permanently awarded unit awards or temporary unit awards will be worn. No mixing.
8) Four-In-Hand neckties for both male and females.
9) The Soldier Sleeve Insignia (SSI) will be sewn on the left sleeve centered 1/2 inch below the shoulder seam of the coat.
10) The SSI for former wartime service will be sewn on the right side also 1/2 inch below the shoulder seam of the coat. The combat service identification badge is not authorized on the AGSU coat.
11) Regimental Distinctive Insignia (RDI) is worn on right side of coat centered 1/8 inch above pocket flap or 1/4 inch above any unit award or foreign badges. It may be aligned to the right edge of the unit awards if the coat lapel obscures it.
12) No badges or accouterments are authorized for wear on the Class B AGSU (shirt). Also U.S. and branch insignia not authorized on Class B. Until further guidance can be provided, it is suggested to use much of the guidance already published in UNIFORM GUIDE for the ASU uniforms.
Check with your local on-base Military Clothing Sales Store (MCSS) for next edition of the Army UNIFORM GUIDE.
As of May 2017
Current edition includes the old Army Greens for transitional purposes only. Next edition will not include the Greens.
These changes will appear in the next printed edition.

As of June 2017
USN Female Officers Hard Shoulder Board Adaptor for Choker Coat
New Enlisted E4-6 Women’s Service Dress Blue Jumper: Rating Badges and Service Stripes are worn same as described for the White Jumper. Current Navy Uniform Guide covers this.
New CWP (Cold Weather Parka): metal rank insignia is worn centered on rank tab on chest front.
NWU Type I Blues go away and replaced starting 1 Oct 2017 by new NWU Type III OD Green: In addition to items worn on the old uniform, the DTOM Patch(centered on left arm pocket flap Velcro pad) and Reverse Flag (centered on right arm pocket flap Velcro pad) are authorized.
As of April 2016
The new Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal is worn immediately after the Iraq Campaign Medal and immediately before the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal.

As of 30 Nov 2020
A new Female Blue Dress uniform (Choker) is now available. Until the next edition of the Marine Uniform Guide, the following instructions will provide needed instructions.

As of April 2016
The new Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal is worn immediately after the Irag Campaign Medal and immediately before the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal.

As of April 2016
The new Inherent Resolve Campaign Medal is worn immediately after the Irag Campaign Medal and immediately before the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal.
The new Afghanistan and Iraq Campaign Medals are worn respectively after the Kosovo Campaign Medal and before the Global War on Terror Expeditionary Medal. Service stars are authorized on these medals.
The new Global War on Terrorism Expeditionary Medal and Global War on Terrorism Service Medal are worn respectively before the Korean Defense Service Medal and after the Iraq Campaign Medal. Service stars are authorized on these medals.
The new Korean Defense Service Medal is worn after the Global War on Terror Service Medal and before the Armed Forces Service Medal.